On October 23-25, 2014, 10 biomedical engineering students attended the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting in San Antonio TX. At the conference, six students presented their research which was performed as part of the TCNJ Mentored Undergraduate Research Experience (MUSE). Another student presented research that was completed as part of a NSF Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) program at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL. Three members of the TCNJ BMES Student Chapter attended chapter development activities. All the students attended presentations or poster sessions in all areas of biomedical engineering research and additionally participated in various professional development activities such as resume reviews and graduate school presentations.
The School of Engineering is proud of the extra-curricular effort and pursuit of academic excellence shown by the students who attended the conference.
Logan Hones presenting her work, “Kinetic Modeling of Fluorescent Uptake in the Retina for Blood Flow Mapping,” which resulted from here REU at the Illinois Institute of Technology. |
Nailah Mubin (The College of New Jersey, pictured right) and Anita Albanese (University of Nevada,Reno, pictured left), presented their research entitled “Interaction Between Mirror Visual Feedback and Goal Directed Tasks Shows Increased Cortical Excitability in Untrained Hemisphere; Possible Stroke Rehabilitation Applications” from their time at New Jersey Institute of Technology Neuron REU. |
Christina Rabolli and Abby LeClair presenting their work, “Mechanodifferentiation of Progenitor Cells Cultured On An Intact ECM Scaffold,” which was co-authored with TCNJ Faculty, Christopher Wagner, Ph.D |
Christine DeZerga, Jessica Gonzaga presenting their work, “Experimental and Computational Models of Microparticle Transport Under Dynamic Flow Conditions,” which was co-authored with TCNJ Faculty, Connie Hall, Ph.D |