Three alumni of The College of New Jersey attended the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference. This was a four day conference which was held in Sunriver, Oregon in June. Those that attended the conference were able to go to Plenary Lectures, Symposia, Workshops, and Student Paper Competitions. The theme of the conference was Translational Research. The topics presented on at the conference included: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms, Cartilage and Disc Mechanics, Bone Biomechanics, Fluids in the NonVascular Space.
The three alumni were Katie Reuther ’09, Thomas Coughlin ’10, and Aaron Swedberg ’11. Aaron and Thomas were finalists in the PhD Student Paper Competition. All three presented their work but they also went to learn about some of the innovations in the field of bioengineering and to network with colleagues and discuss potential collaborations. Each had their own memories which they took away from the conference. Thomas for instance stated that “A stand out moment of the conference was the seminar given by Harvard professor, Mehmet Toner. He is well known for his work in micro-fluidics and creating a fast and cost effective way of testing for H.I.V. It was very inspiring to hear about and see translational engineering.”
Thomas is currently a 4th year PhD student at Notre Dame
Katie is currently a 5th year PhD student in Bioengineering at UPenn
Aaron is currently a PhD student in bioengineering at the University of Utah
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